Creating Permission Set for MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) - Salesforce

David Tinnion
David Tinnion
  • Updated


With an increase in home/hybrid working, it is not always possible to ensure that networks are secure.  To ensure that your data is protected, Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) is a reliable alternative, to ensure that the connection to data is secure.  This article will guide you through creating the Permission Set in Salesforce, to allocate to users, to enable this functionality.

Steps to Create

  1. Login to Salesforce as a System Administrator.
  2. At the top right, select the Setup Cog and then within here, Setup.
  3. In Setup, in the Quick Find search bar, type in Permission Sets, and select this under Users.
  4. In Permission Sets, click New.
  5. Enter a Label and API Name for the new Permission Set, entering a description, if required and a Licence, if you wish.  When happy, click Save.
  6. With this Saved, click on System Permissions, under the System section.
  7. Edit System Permissions and scroll down the list and look for the Multi-Factor Authentication for User Interface Logins option and tick the tick box.  Click Save when finished.

This can then be assigned to the required Users, and this will enable MFA for those users.



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